I love being a little teddy bear
So soft and cuddly everywhere

When I was only one day old
I came to live with you
From grandma and grandpa
I gave you lots of love
As I still do

Sometimes I am cuddled
Sometimes I am not
Sometimes I just listen
To the clicking of a clock

I have a bow around my neck
Which often has checks
I have a tag near my leg
My name is Meg

I am fluffy
I am clean
I am scruffy
I am seen
I am pink
I can wink
But that is not all

Precious pink teddy bear I am
Just sitting on some pale blue sheets
Gazing into the sky
Just watching the clouds

As a teddy bear
I am always with you
Through the bad
And through the good
You are always there for me as well

I sit there, all alone
On my little chair,
Which I call home

Night has fallen
Time to go to sleep
As I stare into her dreamy eyes
She then kisses my little button nose

But watch out if you drop me
I am mean as can be
Mostly I am nice
Until you ask me twice

I am yours until the very end
You are, my best friend.