Old bark soft, sweet, and safe,

Old trees strong, long, beautiful,

One, two, one.

New clouds white, curved, and a mystery,

New rain cold, powerful, and lively,

going One, two, one.

Colours spread like wildfire along the meadows,

Water cracking, young playing and a distance waterfall,

going One, two, one.

As the first night of summer fell everything slept,

Tears fell and joys cries were heard one the first day of Autumn,

As all left the protection of water and to the land once a forest once called home,

One, two, one.

All were awake, most were gathering on the first night of winter,

For the slumber of all of winter, others slumbered for less and some didn’t slumber at all,

One, two, one.

The animals,

One so willing to follow a path written by mother nature,

One, two, three.