I was free, isolated but free.
Away from society and alone with the breeze.
Silky shrubs and verdant trees,
Animals and insects jumping with glee.

The rain splatters onto the forest floor,
With soaring bellbirds counted by the score.
Creatures hide to avoid the shower,
To hydrate and aid the Australian flowers.

The tranquility conquered all pain,
Calming and embracing my tired brain.
The anger and sadness escaped me
Keeping me satisfied, ecstatic and free.

The sun pierces through the sodden leaves,
Little critters run around like little thieves.
The animals and insects come out to play,
And the drenched, leafy undershrub sway.

All this can be seen in one place, Australia.
With the bellbirds and the koalas being our regalia.
The rivers flowing through the forest floors
Peace and serenity will be all yours.