I can see the blue waves dance across the sea

I can see the beautiful dark yellow sand pure of mini rocks

I can see the small seagulls that are grey and white roaming around

I can see the beautiful clouds up in the sky


I can feel me slowly sinking into the sand

The waves sweep me, it’s very calm

The wind swoops across my skin

Tiny stones are rolling under my feet


The fresh air goes through my nostrils

I can smell the salty sea

O the smell of the yellow substances

O I can smell the very grass on this dark yellow plain


Seagulls, beautiful creatures

I can imagine them friendly communicating with me

My feet sink into the sand with waves

O what a great connection we have


The wind whistles and howls as I walk through the beach

I can hear the waves thumping slightly on the earth

The seagulls cry and shout

O what great sound to me