The trees glisten like the sun in the sky if you listen you might hear the birds chirp and sing into the night, if you hear a buzz don't scream it's just a fuzzy bee they are friendly little creatures unless you touch it if you touch them you might be stung in the thumb, you stumble down the forest and find a beautiful rose you pick it up and it rose to your attention that it has thorns, ouch i vouch that you’ve been pricked by a beautiful rose, oh no a spider has landed on your hand just keep calm there's only one spider on your palm, if you keep calm the spider will hop off your hand and you don't get harmed, don’t be alarmed nature is nice and quiet unless you disturb the herds of animals you'll have a great time in the forest but it could be a really dangerous if i'm honest, it is mostly beautiful and nice but don't eat the food it might look like a treat but check before you wreck your insides with a poisonous and possibly venomous plant, Check for spikes before you get a hole in your bike tyre, Also their are many camoflauqed animals so check because they might not be casuals and nice. The forest is calm but there might be a spider on your palm.