The boy with moon eyes was often sadder
then he was not.

Perched upon the crescent moon
he waited for the night,
For when it came he drifted through the dream time to his delight.

His skin was fair and hair gossamer.
He was pale and spirit-like.
But his eyes burned blue, electrified by
What he knew.

His tears substituted stars
and his eyes reflected the dusks cries
For he lay in a lake of the galaxy bathing in the where the moonlight lies.

He roamed the empty realm
of dreams and fantasies
Nursing the delusion of slumber
'til the dawn's sees

He lazes in an hourglass of trance
The sands of time trickling away from his wiry hands.
For he tried to forget his irrelevance to the rest of the world
But his self-doubt didn’t miss the chance.

Gracing through his night garden to his content.
Evening primrose welcoming him with a bloom.
Sitting he waved the midnight roses hello
As he rested his head against the ivy wall of his greenroom

But no one condemned his deeds nor guidance,
For when they woke their dreams of him willow into obscurity,
Only to be awakened when twilight passed again.
Which just feed his insecurity

He wasn't a sandman nor witching hour boy. A dream keeper or time.
He couldn't be an angel, spirit or ghost banished to eternal darkness.
Maybe he was just a lost boy who couldn't find his way to neverland

Oh destiny was cruel to him! and before he could grumble about his misfortunes
He was chased away by day, so while could he waved goodbye and Adieu.