I love the breeze that hits

Trees and leaves

I love the breeze that weaves

Grass and trees the flowers 

Bloom like my mood. I can 

Hear birds tweeting in the

Distance I can feel the breeze pass

Through my hair. Trees dance as the 

Breeze passes by. I can smell 

Flowers and grass, the 

Fragrance reminds me of vegan perfume


As I pass by the leaves they start dancing in flow.

It is so calm looking at the waves of water 

Drifting through the air. Cherry blossoms wave at me with the breeze, birds fly past me as the breeze wooshes by. I always wonder where does the breeze come from,

Soft grass tickles me as the breeze hits. Kangaroos 

Bounce across me. My smile blooms after seeing them

I walked more as I saw more trees, plants, leaves and flowers waving at me. I love walking there in the park I enjoy talking with plants and I want to come every day I loved it at the park I hope I can come tomorrow.