Climate change is a problem that everyone knows,

It is a big one but there is one more.

The intensity of this problem's growing is a chapter long ago closed,

Everyone yet no-one acknowledges it,

But this is something being ignored.

The temperature goes up while the hopes go down,

Don’t worry my child it’s not just you,

Everyone’s gonna drown.

Not only us, 

Not just them,

All living beings and animals,

Facing the mayhem.

Poor things boil in the summer and freeze in the winter 

As their habitats burn and they scuttle for cover.

The burning is natural though not so much,

Forests are cut down as the animals become a homeless bunch.

There will be those who don’t care, and those who say “why?”

So let me leave the question to you.

Will you stand up, or will you continue to lie?