The Deep Blue Sky
By Matilda G
Published 21 September 2023
Stormy clouds gather overhead
Obscuring the deep blue sky.
Giving a promise of rain to come,
It falls down to bathe the cracked earth;
Providing life for another year.
Fire covers the horizon
Obscuring the deep blue sky.
It returns nutrients to the soil,
Littering the blackened earth with green shoots;
Providing a clean slate for new life.
A dingo stands over her prey
Obscuring the deep blue sky.
She collects her prize and returns to her den,
Blood seeping into the earth as her young feast;
Providing life for the next generation.
The harsh angles of the slate grey buildings overshadow the world below
Obscuring the deep blue sky.
Factories belch acrid smoke into the once clean air,
Humanity smothering their future as the toxins leech into the fracturing earth;
Providing only destruction.