Nature's fireworks tall and small
Supporting the land from dusk till dawn
Creatures with many eyes or those who shine brightly at night
Travel through the fireworks taking in the sight.
The roars of thunder engulf the sounds,
Of the creatures walking along the ground.
The rain drips from the sky crying for help.
But the creatures flee leaving the sky by itself.
The sky weeps at the sight.
They cry and scream as the storm gets fiercer.
The fury in the thunder and the anger in the bolts
Terrorises the land draining it from hope.
A few days had passed and the sky had cleared 
The creatures left safety to see a sight that they had feared 
The creature's homes and land had all been cleared.
The creatures wept and cried all throughout the night.
The only thing that they had was swept away.
Only their hopes and dreams stayed.
As the sky was the one who left them betrayed.