The funny Tasmanian Devil
By Isabella W
Published 14 September 2022
I sat peacefully on a bench inside the glass hatch,
waiting for the Tasmanian Devil to jump out of the bushes.
I watched the baby joey devil rolling around its mother like a furball rolling around.
Other ones pulled off the green, grassy grass around the lawn.
Some of their ears turned bright red, while other joeys were jumping on each other.
The smell was awesome mint which is very fresh smell.
The sun passed up, smiling down at us, shining bright in the sky.
It was lunchtime, the sky was crystal clear and I got up and opened the hatch to feed the joey,
male and female Tasmanian Devil. Throwing the little bits of meat out of the bucket.
Each one jumped up and down, catching all of the meats bits.
They were so cute when they were around but when they are endangered, it makes me feel worried.