Waves peacefully glide skilfully across the aqua-green sea

And, oh what a beautiful sight I see.

I hear children splashing in the azure waves

While others are out there exploring dark, creepy caves.


The rolling waves inaudibly crash as the emerald, sanguine grass sways.

The dogs, cats and children cheerfully play

As people briskly stroll over the golden smooth sand.

Suddenly, up above, people hear a bright red chopper going to land.


A pungent smell invades the filthy, smokey air.

Then, in a blink of an eye, a towering bonsai tree catches a flare.

Screaming people scurrying for their dear lives 

as the colossal disaster dominates the heartbroken, suffering land.

The big beast leaves a large footpath to spare.


As the disgrace of the monster evens out,

Citizens are all soon out and about.

The enormous fire has defeated us.

Family friends searching gloomily.

But soon, soon from now the world will be bright and blooming