Morning awakes by melancholy thrills sung by birds,

Towering, vast trees stand in herds.

A sombre, misty river flows,

Querulous, roaming for a piece of nourishment - crows.


A radiant, luminous half-moon peeking down at me,

Elegant, snowflakes pirouetting onto the tree.

Bulky trees create canopies,

Giggling children ride their skis.


A solitary, ligneous house embracing me with a warm greeting,

Alpine trees expand, competing.

Milky snow grumbles at me beneath my feet,

A anfractuous path guides through a winter fleet.


A blazing, roasting fireplace furnishes me with warmth,

Melting a glorious snowy lace cloth.

Snuggling me in a pleasurable bed,

Divining a story in my weary head.