The Ocean and the Sky
By Adeena R
Published 10 August 2023
You love to bleed the same blue I do,
Dyeing your crystal waves of nothingness
And then you steal the sun from me!
Drag her down to the darkest pits,
Her honey spilling over you,
Until all kisses of her embrace
Seep away from me
Until I am nothing more but a grey.
And the moon,
Why do you take the moon?
A blotch of white
The lantern of my heart,
Yet you take him away too.
And his silver whispers cascade over
Ripples, ripples, ripples,
Until he, too, is drowned into your emptiness.
But your belly is not big enough for two,
For a sun must be traded for a moon
And a moon must be traded for a sun.