The tranquil sapphire blue wave,
rested amongst a coral sea, 
a group of rocks gathered in a clan,
as a feathering wave crashed upon the deep blue sea,
white foam spitting and fleeing from the lip of the wave,
as it flew off into a surfer's grave.

The last man the wave dumped,
washed him into the shores cave, as yet another wave crashed,
the repetition like bowling balls; never stopped,
as the wave mouth curled up and smashed down,
the only noise for miles round,
is the wave hitting a deep blue ground.

The surrealism of a perfect day,
turned out to be that day,
a day of utter perfection,
where the blue sky mirrored the blue sea,
where the white sand crawled into the ocean bed,
as white foam bubbled across the surface.

The day of the perfect ocean swell.