The Photo Album
By Yuho T
Published 23 September 2016
Pages thick and smooth to the touch,
Overflowing with memories like a waterfall,
Is a thick book of history of our family,
Brightens everyone's face when its gloomy,
She stands still and sturdy in the cupboard,
Keeping the memories safe,
Movie-maker creating visions from the past in my head,
A memory-maker building our memories each time we meet a photo,
And bringing back our memories of who we used to be,
Bringing fun family moments from the past,
All different emotions appear on my face,
Never ending laughter bursts out of my mouth,
Loud laughter echoes down through the empty hallways,
Cold tears roll down my cheeks,
Is like a wise old owl who has been recording every moment,
Boundless questions appear one by one in my head,
There is always more to be stored inside,
And as more gets stored it gets thicker and thicker,
And as we grow old it shall still be kept safe and will always be my special talisman forever.
This photo album is special to me because it brings back memories and my friend from America gave it to me when I was leaving.