The Plight Of The Koalas
By Milton A
Published 21 March 2023
Amidst the lush eucalyptus trees, the koala sleeps and dreams at ease. Its fluffy ears and button nose, a symbol of peace and calm repose.
But danger lurks around the bend, as habitats begin to end. The human race, with endless greed, takes what it wants, with little heed.
The koala bears the brunt of this, its future now in dire bliss. As forests dwindle, food grows scarce, their numbers plummet, it's not fair.
Conservationists lend a hand, to protect and save this gentle brand. From tree to tree, they search and find, Koalas who may be left behind.
Their plight is known throughout the land, and with a little helping hand, we can ensure their future stays, and koalas sleep in peace for days.`