Putting in my headphones and alienating the invasive world,
this is the most soothing of pleasures this life allows.
Music calms my soul, music takes me away,
It zones me out to another place.
It takes me to another world, far from the harshness reality.
It takes me far away to where I am tranquil, where no one can hurt.
Music has become my life and my love is a heart filled song,
As long as I am listening, my world is colourful, vibrant and alive, I know there can be no wrong.
From the moment I wake up, I fill my ears with the heavenly sounds.
That my favourite artists give out to this world.
For average people like me, to use to drown out drama.
For average people like me, to use as a release.
Untill when I lay my head at night and prepare myself for rest,
But still sometimes I refuse to fall asleep, because I want my ears to keep consuming the sounds
My music follows me everywhere I go, and so at night its comfort is hard to let go.