They're cute, adorable, loving and sweet,

While i talk about the Quokka, please take a seat.

The Quokka is a short animal with round fluffy ears,

The ears could almost be spheres.


The Quokka can learn tricks and gestures,

They could almost conduct a lecture.

You might think hugging it would be a thriller,

But you might want to reconsider.


They can be a peaceful bunch,

They also like to munch.

The Quokka is sociable and friendly,

But I hope it doesn't want to end me.


Don't give it a selfie,

Otherwise you won't be very healthy.

They're nocturnal and eat at night,

Which means they sleep in the light.


They are the cutest and happiest animal in the world,

They would be such a sight to have observed.

They are wonderful, warm-hearted, wicked nocturnals,

I hope my love for them is eternal.