As my feet walk into the forest

I feel the spiky grass squish between my toes

I look around to see giant trees towering over me

It doesn't feel real

Butterflies chasing each other,

The sounds of crickets echoing from afar

It all feels like one big dream

As I keep walking, dodging so many spider webs,

The tweeting of the birds makes me calm and relaxed

As I keep walking I can hear the applause of the river falling

I keep following the sound, until I find the waterfall

It looks so clean and new

Admiring the beautiful waterfall a chilly breeze blows past

I feel so alive

Sounds of branches breaking are creepy but I ignore it

I explore a bit more

There are so many types of green, I can’t even count

The sun starts to go down, I decide to go back to where I started 

I look back once and smile 

I think, “what a beautiful journey I had”