Everyday, isolated was what she was left to feel,
She has a dream, and she never stops chasing it,
Running, running, running
She doesn’t have any control over the circumstances in which she was born,
That’s why it’s only a dream, not reality,
So reluctant to share the land.
But something helps her to stay strong, helps her to carry on,
It was given to her from her home town,
They said it would help her to get that crown,
Like all those who came before,
It gave them good luck and all the glory.

It was placed in her hand,
The cold and silver piece of the past,
And now of the future,
It’s rough and uneven edges show all that it has gone through,
For on it is a man wearing a crown of sacred olive branches.
A man, who was unknown,
For he won the Olympics four thousand years ago.

The blessed coin was held tight in her hand,
She was never one to let my circumstances define her,
She was going to the Olympics,
Forever chasing her dream.