As beautiful as a spring rose
Its impeccable symmetry is like the cross-section of a circle
Its heart is pure gold
Baring both brutal and beautiful secrets from far back in time
You would have to rummage Earth to find a more precious pearl
It murmurs the stories from past generations to today’s
Sending out waves of love and affection
Some say it’s past its used-by-date
For me, loved and cherished for centuries
It’s travelled through the years; here, there and everywhere.

Sparkling on my finger like a raindrop in the light
Bestowing off arms of graceful light as if it were a star in space
Whispering languages of love that have been shared and received through the years
Treasuring meaningful memories with a mind of its own
One glimpse at this ring of simplicity brings to mind a million memories of love
Its beauty tugs my heart and spins it in a thousand different directions
Paying tribute to my values of love and family
Celebrating and sharing our family’s love stories to my daughters and their daughters
Honouring promises of love and affection
Warming anyone’s and everyone’s heart that comes in contact until the stars drop from the sky
Grandmother, mother, daughter, granddaughter – passing down stories of love – always and forever.