I remember miniscule feet,
Dipping into the depths of my body
I remember swift birds swooping down,
And catching fish
I remember the warm laughter,
From the humans beside my shore
However, these cherished memories,
Are now forgotten…

Covid, causing me to forget
I forgot the miniscule feet,
That dipped into the depths of my body
I forgot the swift birds,
Swooping down to collect fish
I forgot the sound of warm laughter,
From the humans beside me
What do they sound like?
Lonely and deserted, I sink down in despair

The only life that is with me,
Is my life,
And my relative’s lives
They are sea creatures
Linked to me and connected to me
They are like soldiers,
Who stand strong for their life
No matter what,
They are always beside me
Loving, supportive and bold