The great wide ocean of waves, sea, and storm

An infinite blue expanse filled with agony, death, pain, but life abounds

The sea is unforgiving, never going easy on who sails on her surface

Her many moods are unreadable, unpredictable, unstoppable

The Ocean in her best mood is a glass sheet, smooth, clear, unmoving

Her worst, a force to be reckoned with, large waves, whirlpools, and winds

When she rages it is like the end of life itself, the sea tearing itself apart

Booming, crashing, roaring, swallowing up everything in its path

Her Beaches the border of her power, the limits of her salty reaches

The wave crests are galloping white horses, spraying up sea, sand, and spray

A never-ending battle between sea and sea

The Ocean is the life blood of our earth