Out I stand on the beach, looking at the lovely scenery

So I go onto the rock and all I see is greenery

As beautiful as it is

I can still hear the hiss

The awful jaws are coming, coming to cut them down

Beware the jaws that spin

The jaws that are full of sin

Beware the jaws that eat no food

If we keep on using them then we’re screwed

Beware the jaws that sound like bees

They’re on a strict diet of only trees

So beware, beware, beware

As awful as that sounds

We can still do our part

I’m doing mine by submitting this art

A beautiful sky with creatures all around 

Then comes a menacing sound

The roar of something not nice

It seemed all good but came with a price

Threatening to ruin our sky, the sky and yet still, you lie.