Quiet touches the treetops,

Like a painter does his canvas. 

A simple elegance envelopes the area,

A balance of nature and a symphony of sounds. 


The world outside moves onwards,

But here there is nothing but peace and a timeless standstill.

The product of unlimited nature; flamboyant and peaceful both. 


The vast plains of open spaces,

Reaching outwards for miles and miles. 

Rolling hills cover the land,

Bedecked in an outfit of dazzling sunflowers.


I reach my hands outwards, letting them brush the gentle stalks.

Lost in a world of my own, of peace and calming thoughts.

My feet carry me onwards,

A soft breeze tickles my cheeks. 


The stillness and the silence,

The world around me complete.

The vast orchids in the background; the soft crackle of twigs under my feet.


But they have moved on now,

Like I know I must as well.