It's the start of the season,
I began to rummage through my draws for my old boots,
checking & hoping they don't fit,
I try them on and sadly they still fit,
Papa told me these were his brothers old soccer boots.

The whistle blew,
First time playing with these boots,
Not knowing if these oldies are going to do me well
Wow, so far these boots are doing me good
It's half time & it's 2-0,
our team grasps the fruit and gnaws away, juice flowing down their faces as the luminous sun shines away,

The whistle blows for the start of the 2nd half,
It blows once again, and again and again,
5-0 the score is,
‘BEEP, BEEP, BEE-EEP’ it's full time
I scored 5 goals,
Maybe these ancient boots will do me well