This treasured tome,
Filled with texts of trials, tenacity and triumph;
Telling tales of matches fought toe to toe, with no side giving quarter.
The sensation of elation still lingers in these pages,
The scent of salty sweat and sweet stamina is still infused.
The pages weathered and flaky from years of misuse.
Reminiscing at matches won and lost,

The faint feelings of failure still sting.
The memories of crying and sobbing, I couldn’t handle when I didn’t win.
But I never once did give in!
I always returned more determined to dominate and destroy my opponents…

I pull myself back from these absorbing memories and ponder;
What I have gained in success have I lost in enjoyment.
No time for friends when on the court
Because all I seek is success in sport.
I cradle this small book in my hands and wonder:
By always striving to succeed at any cost
What part of me have I lost?