The whisper of the trail
By Otis H
Published 19 September 2023
Tall trees weave in the wind
The tree cover makes it as dark as a moonless night
The dampness has a potent aroma
Its scent is like wet rotting vegetables
The whisper of the trail
I hit a tree, poor old tree
The tree could have let out a screech
It felt as though I hit a wall at lightspeed
The bark peeled and it wept like a recently ripped scab
The whisper of the trail
Mud splattered in every direction,
The growling of my hub comparable to a bear,
The rattle of my chain resembled a rattlesnake,
Pedals click like a dolphin finding its way,
The whisper of the trail
The sound of the trail is soothing
Cornering at speed is as scary as a storm at sea.
The downhill speed is a high of dopamine
Brakes as hot as flames.
The whisper of the trail