The ocean so mysterious and blue,

               You can really go for a great canoe.

               Do you want me to take you there?

               You’d need to hold on to your hair.


               You can go with Benny or Lil’ Jimmy,

               You can do a shimmy or swimmy.

               But sometimes we go over the top,

               And it makes our ocean a big, ugly slop.


               Sometimes trash and rubbish gets into our ocean,

               And under the sea, it makes a big commotion.

               So why don’t we pick it all up,

               It’s as easy as tea in a cup.


               Well, I shouldn’t have said that because it’s not,

               We’ll have to gather more than 1,000,000,000,000 pots.

               C’mon let’s save this poor watery place,

               It’ll be some space that we’ll be able to embrace.


             So let’s have an ocean clean-up together,

             And make some better underwater weather.

             Earth, let’s make our ocean clean forever,

             By the way, we can start whenever.