You sat so lively, so woken, so bright
Outside the once lively home
In which I used to sleep at night.
You stayed when I left,
Your roots remained still,
Your soul, oh so strong.

I would wonder from my window sill,
How you always stood so proud,
Even when those around you where knocking you down.

You held so much life within you,
Held so much knowledge within you,
Held so much love within you,
Held all my memories within you.

So, at the breaking of dawn,
And the breaking of a family,
I was forced to leave your wondrous roots.
Your leaves rustled,
When you heard my booming cries,
As if, in a way to comfort or a way of goodbye.

Now, many years later,
Lays a lump in your place,
As a disturbing tombstone,
Mocking me of my mistakes