The overwhelming aroma
Carries a cleaning detergent
Through my nose and to my head
The stench engulfs my mouth
Like spearmint toothpaste
I feel as though I may choke on my words

It’s fortunate for me how I have no words
Since we don’t talk

I planned to throw it away
Pour out the remaining years
For hope is lost in the bitter sky
But maybe I’ll keep it, maybe I’ll need it
In case you decide to open up
I can wear the perfume you bought

Or perhaps, instead, you’d dislike the smell
Just as much as I do

If I carry the scent with me when I meet my significant other
When I get my first job
When I have my first child
Will it make you feel as though you’re present for those moments?

Am I worthy of a solution or a compromise
Or at least a reason why you don’t say “I love you” anymore

I used to be so small
Did you act as the wind carrying me as an airplane
Did you scare away the monsters that hid beneath my bed
Why have those memories abandoned me now

Am I no longer worthy of feeling loved
Is my worth solely contained in this bottle?