WaterTurns to ice, we skate. It is strong, unbreakable
The gliding comes easy. Unconditional and forever.
Ignorance is bliss
Water. Ebbs and flows.
Growing, changing, beauty in you and me.
Love is painful
Water. So pure and innocent, almost Biblical.
No storm needing calming, we are perfect.
Until the thunder
Water. So violent, ever-changing, unpredictable.
How much can we take?
Jesus save me. Show me how to act, get me out.
Even the strongest ice melts at its boiling point
Drowning. You can’t hold your breath forever
Stuck. Help. No. I love you. Anger, fear
The storm gently brewing. Tearing us apart
Ice is where it started. Fuelled my heart with love
But that’s the danger. When ice melts, it cracks 
My heart breaks