Howling in the glistening moonlight 

waiting for my friends to call back. 

I assert: “to my friends listening, call back 

and let me know if you are listening to me.”

Running freely in the night ducking underneath the trees. 


Dreaming about what tomorrow will 

bring and what adventures will unfold. 

I awake to a screaming, tasting of terror, 

My forest friends are in trouble.


I rush outside from my cave and destroyed

trees lie massacred everywhere, broken. 

My tree friends now have nowhere 

to call home anymore. Will they do 

something to my home? 

I can’t howl at the moon all night long in private. 


No more going on the rocks and howling 

to my heart's content. 

My friends are going through an 

irretrievable breakdown. 

They have nowhere else to go. This needs to stop!