Your little wings fly
Barely escaping the furious fires and tumbling trees.

Your little wings fly to escape the chill,
Stay warm during your tough journeys,
Forge through your berry bushes and shrubs.

Flap, flap, flap

Your little wings fly to watch everything you can
You see towns, cities, states of people
They collect a diversity of fish that shine like a glass window.
But out of the corner of your eye you can also see the fires they leave

You imagine a world,
A world with your brothers flying freely next to you
You miss the friends you once had.
The love you had felt, feels more like despair.

The trees you had loved had ambled away
The lush vegetation now sharp and unwelcoming
The family you once had now disappearing with a flap of your rainbow wings
Your little wings try to fly away from this nightmare.

Your little wings might not be enough to help you this time.
Can anyone help?