WA Poetry Month Showcase: Every Poem is a Portal

7pm, Thursday 1 August 2024

City of Fremantle Town Hall, 8 William Street, Fremantle, WA, 6160

Cost: Free

Event type(s):

Every poem is a portal through which we can transmit emotions, empathy, intellect, wonder and humour. ~ Scott-Patrick Mitchell, 2022 Red Room Poetry Fellow

From the sublime to the sensational, poems can be doorways into fields both known and unknown. Peer into the interior and imagined worlds of an eclectic and electric lineup of some of the West Coast’s most exceptional poets. Leading into the Perth Poetry Festival, this showcase kicks off the continent-wide Poetry Month in August.

Hosted by Lakshmi Kanchi, featuring Cass Lynch, Megan Ugle, Louyang Chen, Patrick Gunesekera, Lucy Dougan and Caitlin Maling.

Presented by Red Room Poetry in partnership with City of Fremantle Library, supported by Perth Poetry Festival