The world is a mixture of everybody, everywhere
and she was a child and shall remain so
in the eyes of those who came before her
it matters not where from to make us feel
she made us laugh
and the best gift of all was when she made us think
the best way to impart intelligence
sprinkling wisdom upon our temples
she wrote
which serve as notes
love letters to all children
teaching why the caged bird sang
and our curiosity is sprung to keep up
with how she endured life
in its harsh conditions.
The songs she sang reminded us of her presence
because she gave words
meaning when she spoke especially when people spoke of worry
and anxiety
her words made us settle
And how phenomenal of a woman
astounding were her teaching
because now we are aware
why the caged bird sang.
It sang
of the freedom
it envisioned.
Within every living being
there is a candlelight
no matter how hard the wind blows
it will never blow off.
She lived, she laughed, she smiled and cried
so her children can be reminded of what life is
and we should encounter without hesitance
life with love and laughter
to never turn away from the tears and smiles
that glitter the sky
because it is when we look up
the stars look down
she home now,
Maya Angelou is home.