In this country     of milk      and honey

Contemporary      mechanical      dreamtime        mine time animals

Land stolen      from      traditional owners

Vomiting      our precious earth       on foreign shores

Mining     mining        and       more mining

Gurniny widbala 

Creating       new traditional pathways       and songlines

Polish       the boots       and iron      the pants

Grinding       the land      to make       this bread

Driving       a big truck     making       big mining bucks

Hills     broken       into      million pieces 

Yurnayi widbala

Sticking       explosives       everywhere

Gaping wounds      with       polluted waterholes

For this is       now       the white world 

Like       a pimple      in the wildflowers

And the       colonisers       land grab       takeover

Yurnabaya widbala 

Surveyor      accounts      of land      good to steal       and claim

White      invading       land grabbing      multhu 

A      bloodied history      worth of      thieves

Sits     at the table      of      invasion 

The       wild      white      colonial boys 

Wanybandi widbala 


The      colony past      has not      left anything good

In this      land of      milk      and      honey 

Why do Yamaji still trust mining companies?