David Malouf
David Malouf is the distinguished author of ten novels, six volumes of poetry and winner of many awards including The Commonwealth Writers' Prize and IMPAC award. His most recent work Ransom was shortlisted in the fiction category in The Age Book of the Year Award for 2009. He also writes poetry, drama and libretti for operas.
A handwritten version of David's poem The Bicycle is featured in The Red Room Company's Fingerprints project. David also appears in all six episodes of The Wordshed.
1970: Bicycle and Other Poems University of Queensland Press (Australia)
1974: Neighbours in a Thicket: Poems University of Queensland Press (Australia)
1975: Johnno University of Queensland Press (Australia)
1976: Poems 1975-76 (limited edition) Prism (Australia)
1978: An Imaginary Life Chatto & Windus
1980: First Things Last Chatto & Windus
1980: Wild Lemons: Poems Angus & Robertson
1982: Child's Play with Eustace & The Prowler Chatto & Windus
1982: Fly Away Peter Chatto & Windus
1985: 12 Edmondstone Street Chatto & Windus
1985: Antipodes Chatto & Windus
1985: Harland's Half Acre Chatto & Windus
1988: Blood Relations (play) Currency Press
1990: The Great World Chatto & Windus
1993: Baa Baa Black Sheep Chatto & Windus
1993: Remembering Babylon Chatto & Windus
1994: Selected Poems 1959-1989 Chatto & Windus
1996: The Conversations At Curlow Creek Chatto & Windus
2000: Dream Stuff Chatto & Windus
2006: Every Move You Make Chatto & Windus
2007: The Complete Stories Pantheon Books
2008: On Experience Melbourne U. P. (Australia)
2008: Revolving Days: Selected Poems University of Queensland Press (Australia)
2009: Ransom Random House Australia