Fair Trade Declan and Craig (Banner  Listing).png

First Nations transnationalism is one of the great things First Nations artists are working through today. The Fair Trade project was an opportunity to share knowledge across borders, to gain a sense of how First Nations art is something much larger than the colonial nation-state. It was an immense pleasure to be encouraged to read more of Craig's writing and poetry and to talk with him about culture and politics. FairTrade/Red Room is unique in offering a space and publishing platform for transnational First Nations art-making and publishing. It was gratifying and inspiring to work with another poet and writer who was interested in place and language, to feel a sense of connection to Craig's work. It certainly influenced my own practice. Our poetic dialogue was mutually influential on both of our writing practices – and that, to me, is what it means to think outside of colonial and national borders, to experience both that imaginative and material sense of sovereignty and solidarity.