Sandra Renew
Sandra’s poetry and short prose/micro lit is published widely in Australia. She writes about queerness, lesbians and the politics of gender representation, notes for those of us who do not/have not identified on the heterosexual gender binary. The Ruby Red’s Affair (Ginninderra Press 2022) has been described as An exploded moment, a lesbian pick up story. Her poetry collections are The Ruby Red’s Affair (Ginninderra Press) 2022; It’s the sugar, Sugar, Recent Work Press, 2021; Acting Like a Girl, Recent Work Press, 2019 (2020 ACT Writing and Publishing Award for Poetry/shortlisted for the 2020 ACT Book of the Year); and The Orlando Files, Ginninderra Press, 2018. Sandra is a founding editor, with Moya Pacey, of the Not Very Quiet on-line journal of women’s poetry 2017-2021. Not Very Quiet: The anthology eds Moya Pacey and Sandra Renew, Recent Work Press, was published in 2021.