by Jade

"we are all born mad, some remain so"

a poem in 10 secs whilst waiting for a very tardy mate, he was 3 hours late.


tra-la-la-la oh lookee whats in me pockets,

some coins, a fag, nothing much cept 2 bus tickets.


boom-pah-boom-pah watch this grin on me face, 

nothing to do cept tday cept behave and seek solace. 


soon my mind is torn, its patchwork of ideas are 'cut and paste',

whilst i wait for my misbehaviour to come with his usual graceless  lack of haste.


sun up, sun down, sun set ..

hello dark side : we've finally met.


Exercise - Sit very still in one place and compose a poem including everything that comes into your vision, hearing and reach.