Published 1 January 2021
By Stoke
And again we walk A Path That Leads nowhere
no Beginnings no ends Just The Same
That Will Be always
for one of us who spends Life as A Prisoner
once we Believed That We could Be Different
But we Live to no one But our Selves
and to fill an empty heart with hope is The
worst Lie we tell
for we always know to Push others away
is more for them not for you
you will always Be alone
no matter how Long you spend Beside someone
But to put hope in to one’s own heart
is much harder
for you know There is nothing else other then this
You hope and fall you Become Broken Beyond fixing
so when you Think of hope
it is The hope of Being who you are
Not who you can Become
for all we know for all we are will never end
so Don’t hope you will Become Them
it is a Path That Leads nowhere
other Than Becoming The Same
A Prisoner
with nothing Less Then Before
you could always Think About it
But to Try and fall is so much more then
most of us are
willing to try