It was just another evening when Jack came home from school.
After rugby training he was tired, so he went up to his room.
He turned on his computer and saw a site he longed to see.
The wonderful, wonderful sight of his computer’s start up screen.

He said he’d be on for a few more minutes, then get his homework done.
But time flies by at the speed of light when you’re having too much fun.
It started with one YouTube video but progressed into something more.
He had about a million tabs open when his mum opened the door.

“Jack, Jack, do your homework soon, before it gets too late! Just get your work done for the love of god, get it done for heaven’s sake!”
“But Mum, Mum, I’ll start my work soon, I just came home from school.”
But Jack didn’t know what he was about to do was make the decision of a fool.

After an hour or so of procrastinating, Jack looked at his clock.
He looked and saw a string of digits that turned him into shock.
“Oh, my lord! What have I done, It’s 7:32! Oh no, oh no, I’ve got so much work I have to do!”
Because he procrastinated, for Jack, there’s no hope in sight.
We’ll just have to see how this goes, he’ll just have to hold on tight.

Procrastination is a horrible disease, and one very hard to cure.
The only advice I can give is don’t waste precious time for sure.