Her feathers black as night,

Her tail tinged with white,

Her mournful eyes glinting in forlorn,

Desperate to feed her young and newly born.


She soars above a once-loved Marri Forest,

Destroyed, unborn, to stay away is wisest,

Once beautiful land, now destroyed by humanity,

An action taken with desire, and without unity.


Her distressed cry echoes through the bush,

Wishing for that extra push,

To save her species from extinction,

And to remove them from this sad condition.


To the Aboriginals, they mean strength, wisdom, good luck,

Their beauty and meaning leave us envious and awestruck,

Their admired togetherness as not just flocks, but family,

Threatened and endangered, one that’ll end in tragedy.


We must take charge of this burning issue,

And save the Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo,

For it is their land we have stolen and destroyed,

Otherwise, they will have a terrible fate, one we MUST avoid.