Think about it,

It’s just one small pebble,

No one would care if we took it right?


Well little did you know,

That pebble could be holding up a whole pile of rocks,

That pebble could have been housing a colony of ants long ago,

That one small pebble could have so much might,

Just like all those broken, destroyed plants now facing down low.


Now think again,

Are we really going to leave our world like this?

All we people care about are the plants in our yards,

The ones that are pretty enough for reviewing.


No one ever stops to notice,

Notice the plants you’re firing up,

Down, down, down goes the lotus

Yet still, you only want those plants for yourself,

So start to focus.


Focus on what we’ve done,

Because without our flora and fauna,

Our world is just a diverse planet of those deep, green nothings.