A Different World
By Caleb B
Published 25 August 2022
The world seems different to everyone
Kaleidoscope clouds on yellow skies
The white sun beams down rays of frost
Blue grass grows on orange dirt
The fields of grey strawberries hanging on golden stems
Trees long and tall, with logs of teal and leaves of purple
The ocean waves of red smash against black beaches
Beneath the seas the rainbow fish swim swiftly backwards
The crabs walk forward, and the sharks stop to rest
Back in the skies small tigers flee from predator from predator
Large birds run across the ground, feasting on prey
When the bright night rises the burning blue moon
The wolves sit in the ashy snow and talk over a meal of vegetables
Lazy yellow deer slowly lumber through black day deserts
Spewing water into an empty lake
A green skull lies alone, weeds growing through where the eye was
This world isn’t too different from yours
The world seems different to everyone