As I entered the beautiful nature, angry, swishy storming clouds

Raining down on the angrily swaying trees. 

Hearing the roaring crystal waterfalls. 

Greyish white fog made me feel calm and relaxed. 

The snowy mountains in the unstoppable blizzard

Keep going on and on and on until the summer.  

The beautiful rocky mossy hills, the fixed summer sky, relaxes me. 

The fruity gooseberry farms cluster berries.  

Erupting hot volcanos sprouting burning lava.  

Just thinking about this world makes me so full of joy.

You could see red in the sky, blue, yellow, pink and purple.

Baby owls what can they spy from their perch way in the sky. 

A hunting fox, a prowling cat, scurrying mice and a flapping bat.

Can you see two children peep, from their window tired with sleep.

All those penguins running and sliding in the white freezing cold snow.

The beautiful clear, reflectable rivers going down the stream.

Just look at those stars filled with gleam and happiness.

Beautiful houses filled with humans waking up, eating, physical exercises, being healthy.

The stalactites hanging through deep in the caves.