The ball tells a story, of what it’s here to do

To bring kids the joy, of learning something new

‘’Twas the game called Downball, a magical game to few

With so many rules it might confuse you

But with so much fun it might infuse you too

There are 4 squares, one for dunce, Jack, Queen and King are just a few

King ruled the game, and served it to his lower squares just to see if they could bare

The power of the ball, so mighty only King himself could control

The ball must first bounce in your square, before it can travel on

And beware the mighty body lobs they might try and ace you

But remember not to get too attached to the ball

For if you cup it, it will be straight to the line with you

The line is a dreaded place, no fun, no sun, no happiness

But do not fear, you will soon be in with us in here"

It is the game called downball! A magical game indeed!