As I stepped onto the croaky wooden planks, the sea rocked below me

I waved goodbye to my Dad and Mum, my little brother's fingers wrapped around my thumb.

A cold, metal piece of history was handed down to me.

“You know we love you, I wish we had another choice, another choice so you could definitely hear my voice again” Mum wailed in desperation.

My Dad looked down at the object as tears started to form in his eyes,
“This will help you find new land, go to the place, the place we planned."

He bent down and gently touched the delicate gadget that lay in my agitated hands,
suddenly everyone started to stand.

The distance between the boat and land became quite far.

My brother started screaming out for Mum and then his fingers weren't wrapped around my thumb, they were reaching out to my parents.

Hours slowly went by,
we were lucky to find a seat but we were all squished up and our feet were touching.

My brother's eyes started to close, that’s when I knew he was starting to doze off to sleep.
He drifted off and peacefully snored as he dreamt of a new life, a better one.

Out of my torn up pocket I pulled out the item, the one my Dad handed to me.
I peered at it closely, the base glimmered in the hot sun.

A wail came from the master's deck, “Our map is drenched, we will never find new land," he cried.

I held it tight, then looked at my brother, as important as this object was, our future was more.

I rose to my feet as fast as I could,
“Have this,” I say, as the weight left my hand, it also lifted from the shoulders of the crew.

I gave up my compass, but as Mum and Dad sailed towards me in Nauru, I knew I hadn’t lost anything at all.